If you are looking for advice on debt collection, you must be someone who is owed a fair amount of money or you are interested in working in the collection industry. Or, as a business owner you will also more than likely have to resort to debt collecting at some stage. When someone owes you money they can first receive warnings stating that their outstanding amount needs to be paid by a certain date, then they will be sent a letter, and it is an entire process from there. If they still do not pay you what they owe, they will be blacklisted and then court procedures will follow and they will be ordered by the court to pay the money to you.
There are certain techniques that are used for collecting debt, and also some tips that should be followed when you are looking for advice on debt collection. First of all, you can’t be soft on the customers that owe you money, you need to be stern with them and let them know that they need to pay you otherwise you will take further action. If they have to take out loans to pay you back then so be it, where the money comes from is not really your problem, as long as you get what is owed to you. It might not be fun to be a debt collector, but the job has to be done, people cannot get away with not paying what they owe.
Being blacklisted is one of the worst things to be, you can get absolutely nothing if you are on the bad credit list. Sending out the letter to the creditor is one of the first steps of the process, if after that they still have not paid; they will have to deal with bigger problems. You should know all the techniques when you are looking for advice on debt collection, that way the proplre that owe you cash won’t be able to get away!
Getting Paid from a Difficult Customer
Getting paid from a difficult customer all depends on how you handle the situation. Jumping all over the client and challenging to see who can shout the loudest is going to end up being a 10 minute call that got absolutely nowhere. Tomorrow you are going to be on the phone to the same customer having another fight. So, fighting and shouting at each other is pointless and for centuries shouting as proved nothing. It takes one level-headed person to get through to a difficult person. It is not right to think of these customers as deadbeats. Yes, they owe you money, but an unexpected burden rose and this person is just unable to pay.
You will find that in some cases, when it comes to getting paid from a difficult customer, a firm voice normally helps, but you will be able to get so much more out of that person when using the polite-shame method. Use a “we still want our money, but this whole thing is not your fault direction”. Make sure that you don’t make the customer feel smaller than he/she already do. You don’t want the customer to regret making that phone call to you or the customer answering the phone.
Also make sure to tell the customer indirectly that there is not way that the money owed can just be forgotten somewhere in the ledger. Let them know that their payments were always on time and tell him that a man’s word makes him a good person. Then ask him when he will be able to make payments. You have to get the customer down so that he/she can calm down. Only then will you be able to have a civilized conversation and come to an agreement. Getting paid from a difficult customer is not easy and not everyone will be able to get through.