More about us at Bad credit solutions is a website intended to help you if you have fallen into debt and need practical and need sensible solutions to your financial worries. Through a constantly updated series of professional money related articles, bad credit solutions aims to educate and … Read More...
Featured Information
Financial Assistance for People Under Debt Review
Finding financial assistance for people under debt review is a difficult and treacherous journey. But as long as you do your research and choose smartly it is possible. If you are under debt review, you are likely to have a poor credit history and rating. Without a good credit history, and with many … [Read More...]
Car Finance For People With A Bad Credit Record
Car finance with a bad credit record or poor credit rating. If you have been refused car finance from lenders elsewhere this is for you. Most major banks will not provide car loans or auto finance to you with a bad credit record. Or if you have been blacklisted. However there are some financial lenders that … [Read More...]
Loans for Debt Review Clients in South Africa Locations
Who gives loans for debt review clients in South Africa locations? And if you are under debt counselling will lenders be willing to offer you a loan? We examine these questions which can be tricky at times but there is hope. People feel the financial pressure in South Africa. However some people feel it … [Read More...]
5 Tips to Get Car Finance while Under Debt Review
Tips and advice to get car finance while under debt review in South Africa. Believe it or not, it is possible to get car financing even if you have debt related problems. In fact, if you were to contact most vehicle loan companies they will almost always tell you to simply apply. Because car financing is … [Read More...]
Blacklisted Cell Phone Contracts South Africa
Blacklisted cell phone contracts are quite common in South Africa nowadays. There is so much debt in this country as it is and if you are not able to pay it off, this will land you with bad credit. Criteria to qualify for blacklisted cellphone contracts: You need to be over 18 years old Been in your current … [Read More...]
Get Credit on Messaging Apps – WhatsApp Loans in South Africa
WhatsApp loans are a financial service where you can borrow money from a credit provider through the popular messaging platform WhatsApp. This approach leverages the convenience and accessibility of WhatsApp to provide quick and hassle-free personal loans to users. Instead of going to the bank or filling … [Read More...]